History - 2001 - 2005
2002 - Chelsea v Rye
At Rye, Brett Bowey spoils, Joe Rugolo behind.

2002 - Chelsea v Rye
At Rye, Chris Edgar.

2002 - Chelsea v Rye
At Rye, Tim Pouzet.

2002 - Chelsea v Rye
At Rye, Brett Bowey

2002 - Chelsea v Rye
At Rye, Joe Rugolo marking contest, Steve
Cummings No 16 and Serel Ogten look on

2002 - Chelsea v Rye
At Rye, Chris Edgar marks strongly

2004 Chelsea v Rosebud
At Rosebud, Peter Capsalis with the ball, Heath
Donnellan (L), Justin Grosveld (behind), Dave
Goodall (R)

2004 Chelsea v Rosebud
At Rosebud, Matt Bowey marks strongly

2004 Chelsea v Rosebud
At Rosebud, Ant Lewis (L), Nick Morton (R)

2004 Chelsea v Rosebud
At Rosebud, Nol Hendriks marks in front

2004 Chelsea v Rosebud
At Rosebud, Rick Hayward marks strongly between
2 opponents

2004 Chelsea v Rye
At Rye, Steve Cummings breaks free

2004 Chelsea v Rye
At Rye, Rob Lancaster in action

L-R: Sam Proctor, Tim Scott-Branagan, Dave Goodall,
Hidden, Brett Bowey.

2005 Chelsea v Mornington
Chelsea defeat Mornington at Home in the worst weather conditions for years.

2005 Chelsea v Mornington
Chelsea player celabrate defeating Mornington.
L-R: Rick Hayward, Nol Hendriks, Dave Goodall,
Tim Scott-Branagan.

2005 Chelsea v Seaford
‘Thanks very much, I’ll have that,’ thought
Dave Goodall as he hauled in an absolute
ripper mark against the Tigers.

2005 Chelsea v Mt Eliza
Chelsea's Anthony Lewis marks strongly against Mt Eliza's Coach Paul Hopgood.
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