History - 1995 - 1999
1995 - Presentation Night
Frank Rugolo (Centre) Senior Best & Fairest winner
and Leading Goal Kicker (106 goals), with
President Noel Hopgood (L) and Secretary
Ray Stuart (R).
1995 - Presentation Night
Frank Rugolo Senior Best & Fairest winner
and Leading Goal Kicker (106 goals)

1995 - Trophy Winners Best & Fairest Count
Standing L-R: Graham Stewart, John Petterson, Frank Rugolo, Unknown, Wayne Foster, Brendan Beasley, Andy Howlett, Tim Beasley, John Bowman.
Front L-R: Rodney Knowles, Jan Mildenhall, Brett Donnellan, Bruce Gordon.
1995 - Trophy Winners Best & Fairest Count
1995 - Trophy Winners Best & Fairest Count

1996 - Dale Seers
Chelsea Junior F. C.—1986/87
Chelsea F. C. Under 18—1990/91
Premiership Player-1991
Australian Champion
Under 17-400m-1989
Maryborough Gift Winner—1996
Stawell Gift Winner—1998
Whilst speed is a great asset for a footballer, football
is not necessarily a activity for an aspiring runner.
The physical nature of the game is simply too hard
on the body. So it was that Dale Shears abandoned
his love of football to indulge his wonderful natural
talent and become a legend in the field of athletics.
On the track the man was simply poetry in motion, as
his achievements show.

1996 - Seconds Grand Final Pre-Match
1996 - Seconds Grand Final Pre-Match
1996 - Seconds Grand Final Pre-Match
1996 - Seconds Grand Final Pre-Match
1997 - Carrum Football Club "Wake"
Old foes from Chelsea and Carrum reminisce over
past encounters.
L to R: Mal Lord, Ron Stubbs, Noel Hopgood,
Roy Dore, Ray Stuart and Tommy Williams.
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