History - 1985 - 1989
1985 - News Paper Report
Seaford defeat Chelsea in 1985 Grand Final
1986 - Senior Premiers
BACK (L to R) : J. O’Neil (Selector), T. Williams (President), M. Balik, G. Barnett, R. Stubbs, A. Mullins, J. Clinton,
D. Baker, G. Dyer, M. Ritchie, M. Trotter (Secretary), N. Hopgood (Chairman of Selectors).
SECOND ROW : F. Parsons (Team Manager), A. Eldridge, W. Duff, G. Lynn (Captain/Coach), A. Sinclair, W. Foster, B. Farrelly
1986 - Premiership Flag
It’s all smiles as the Seagulls enjoy the fruits of their success after eighteen years in the premiership wilderness.
L-R: Dave Patterson, Ron Stubbs, Bill Doyle , Kevin Kniese, Alan Smith, Max Butler ,
Tom Williams, Ray Stuart, Gerry Lynn, David Baker, Mick Trotter, Laurie Owens,
Andrew Sinclair, Kevin Corcoran, Jim Rankin, Stan Kourellas.
1986 - Michael Ritchie takes a spell
It’s lights out and goodnight for Michael Ritchie
as Leigh Carpenter remonstrates with Seaford’s
Ian Boswell just ten minutes into the game at
the MPFL Grand Final. Umpire Mark Thorpe.
1986 - Team Lineup
Chelsea players lineup prior to 1986 Grand Final.
L-R: Geoff Dyer, Ron Stubbs, Graham Savage, Michael Ritchie, Tony Eldridge, Leigh Carpenter, John Clinton, Fred Dyke, Brendan Farrelly, Richard Howlett, Willie Duff.
1986 - Fred Dyke
Fred Dyke of Chelsea is not about to let his
Seaford opponent Guy Hura escape.
Tony Eldridge looks on.
1986 - Mick O'Hanlon
Mick O'Hanlon feeling the heat in
Saturday’s Grand Final.
1986 - New Rooms
(L-R) Ross Porter, Frank Parsons, Dave Patterson, Ray Travaskis, Kevin Kniese, Sonny McCann (front), Rusty Russell (rear), Tommy Williams, Kevin Corcoran, Mick Thompson.
Photo taken at top of the Grandstand; the new 1st Floor Social Rooms are under construction November 1986.
1986 - New Rooms
The new upstairs Rooms begin to take shape.
1986 - New Rooms
President Tommy Williams at work with necessary tools.
1987 - Season 1986 Premiership Flag Raised
The 1986 Flag is proudly raised prior to The Club's opening Home Game in 1987.
1987 - Premiership Cellebrations
Chelsea Players cellebrate after their Grand Final win.
1987 - Premiership Cellebrations
L-R Andrew Sinclair, Captain/Coach Chris Bull and President Tom Williams cellebrate after their Grand Final win.
1987 - Premiership Cellebrations
Chelsea players cellebrate after their Grand Final win.
L-R: John Clinton, Dave Ritchie, Graham Stewart, Fred Dyke, Martin Eley.

1987 - Grand Final v Pines
Richard Howlett get his kick away.

1987 - Chelsea Trainers
L-R: Ian "Wagga" McDonald, Larry Pope (Runner), Shane Williams (Head Trainer), Wayne Hickey, M Mackie, Frank Rowe
1987 - Action Chelsea v Seaford
Chris Bull (on knees) , Graham Savage (behind)
1987 - Action Chelsea v Seaford
Martin Elie (kicking) Tony Eldridge (behind) Richard Howlett (far right).
1987 Chelsea v Mt Eliza
L-R Willie Duff, Michael Ritchie, Andy Mullens.

1987 - David Baker
David Baker punches the ball away from
Pines Mal Rowley.

1987 Grand Final
Chelsea v Pines
J Clinton being tackled, R Park in the background.
1987 Chelsea v Seaford
Ashley Hamilton.
1987 Chelsea v Pines
1987 Chelsea v Pines
Grand Final action David Cathcart with the ball.

1987 Chelsea v Seaford
Graham Savage looks on as Richard Howlett
competes in marking contest.

1987 Chelsea v Pines
Robbie Parks marks in front of Pines opponent.
1987 Prime Minister opens New Rooms
Prime Minister Bob Hawke opening the new Social Rooms.

1987 Bob Hawke and Tom Williams
Prime Minister Bob Hawke enjoys the company of
his ‘little mate’ Tommy Williams at the official
opening of the new clubrooms.
1988 - Chelsea v Pines
Pines centre-half-forward Paul Housden (38) gets to the bottom of this pack of bedraggled players in search of the slippery ball. Standard Post 14th September, 1988.
1988 - Chelsea v Pines
The queue (or lack of one) at the beer booth sums up Saturday’s game for spectators as a pack of players prepares to clean off the mud in one of Frankston Oval’s many puddles.
Standard Post - 14th September, 1988.
1988 Chelsea v Mornington
Go in and get the ball, the coaches exhort..... but it’s not always easy to find it in conditions like this. Beavering away in the mud at Chelsea Oval, Mornington and Chelsea players hunt the elusive pill.

1988 Chelsea v Edi Aspendale
L-R: Garry Barnett (34), Brett Wright (13), Colin Piggott (27).

1988 Chelsea v Edi Aspendale
L-R: Rod Parkes, Willie Duff (with ball), Colin Piggott, Gary Barnett.

1989 Runners Up Team Photo
L-R Standing: Ross Hand, Leigh Hickey, Tarz Mildenhall, Ned Travaskis, Stan Kourellas, Richard Howlett, Tom Williams, Andrew Sinclair, Geoff Dyer, David Robertson , Andy Mullens, Michael Ritchie, Robert Knowles, Dave Aitcheson, Colin Ward, Peter Campbell, Gary Barnett, Tony Eldridge, Dave Ritchie, Chris Bull, Peter Oakes, Ray Stuart.
L-R Front Row: Laurie Owens, Willie Duff, Graham Stewart, Rod Cutler, Graham Savage, Mark Giggins, Glen Stewart, Wayne Foster, Paul Hopgood, Shane Williams, Scott Whitehead, Biff O'Hara, Lee McDonald.
Mascots L-R: Tony Oakes, Dale Chubb, Matt Stuart.

1989 Chelsea v Mornington
Chelsea's R Neely (L) and Unknown.

1989 Chelsea v Mornington
Chelsea's R Neely (L) shows of his Acting skills!

1989 Chelsea v Rye Preliminary Final
Newspaper report on 1989 Preliminary Final Chelsea v Rye.
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